Quick Patio Furniture Rehab

I purchased this patio set YEARS AGO.  The store has long since closed.  I think it was $150 maybe a tad more.  My favorite color is green which is why I purchased this set.  In my first ever apartment, I had a green sofa set and this green patio set.  The sofa set was given away some time ago when I realized a forest green sofa and love seat were extremely hard to decorate around especially with blue carpet.  But, the patio set has remained.

My daughter teases me about the only reason I have this patio set still is because it is green.  I think I have this patio set because it was the first "furniture" purchase I made in that first ever apartment.  My own earned money, my own style...it has meaning for me.

My husband detests this set, I think due to it's wonderful color and it actually didn't make it over to our new house initially.  This weekend I made him go and retrieve it from our storage shed and promised him I would make it beautiful.

We went to garden ridge and looked through all of the Patio Cushions and agreed upon a red and white set.  They satisfied both my husband and myself.

It's amazing what two cans of spray paint can do.  I debated between brown or black and with the red cushions I decided on using black.  I used Valspar Black Flat spray paint from Lowe's.

Here is the before and after.

I did take the table apart to get to all of the pieces.


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